No. 02 Scaling Cleaner for Hulls

No. 02 Scaling Cleaner for Hulls

  • Restores whiteness and revives the gelcoat very quickly
  • Removes the yellow veil, and traces of corrosion
  • Removes algae, shells, all residues of pollution
  • Removes all streaks of rust
  • Recommended on stainless steel to eliminate the formation of corrosion

CAUTION: We recommend to use the product with care. Wear an appropriate protective equipment (gloves, goggles / visor, overall and shoes). This is an acid product.





NauticClean is a French company providing the best yacht cleaning products available. NauticClean’s laboratory has more than 25 years of experience in the manufacture of cleaning and maintenance products. The products of the NauticClean range, tested and approved by FLOWEY®, adapt to all types of support. NauticClean allows maintenance of gelcoat, glass, PVC, aluminum, stainless steel, wood, polyester, leather, but also sails, fenders, tires … Products meet the EU required safety and environmental standards.

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